Jack Sparrow's Feed

Jack Sparrow

2016 Feb 24
Rating 0
Fanny Shrek Picture

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Jack Sparrow

2016 Feb 10
Rating 1

Google is struggling to build a very cheap tablet. Today they announced Google Nexus 7 Tablet for only $199 for 8GB version. It is not the cheapest deal. BlackBerry tablet costs the same $199, but it has 16GB.

Google Nexus 7 tablet price}}
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Jack Sparrow

2016 Feb 06
Rating 3
New style magazine

I would read this magazine. It looks really interesting and glossy. I wonder if there is a delivery option to my house. I would subscribe to it.

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Jack Sparrow

2016 Feb 04
Rating 0

I think car designers and automakers need to stop for a minute and take a look back to see the future. Some modern car designers create such a trash I don’t know how they created it. 

Modern car designs}}
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Jack Sparrow

2016 Jan 25
Rating 0
1st World Wide Wall Free}}

My first iPhone App called 1st World Wide Wall (1st WWWall) is now available in AppStore. It is a free iPhone game you can download from iTunes. It is a Tetris like game you will spend hours a day on. Crash hearts to disassemble a wall with help of additional tools like bombs and magic cubes. Work fast because new hears are coming too fast.

I'm working on the next version I want to push live next week. Any feedback is welcome.

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Jack Sparrow

2016 Jan 21
Rating 0

I have got a new iPhone 4S. I can agree, it is the most amazing iPhone yet. I use to use Windows Phone and I really disappointed in this platform and Microsoft on mobile market Microsoft works too slow and I hate how these guys update their platform. I don’t like that I cannot install any keyboard layout I want. 

iPhone 4S is worth buying this phone}}
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Jack Sparrow

2016 Jan 09
Rating 1

Any woman is jealous of his lips. Even Angelina Jolie. But I’m not sure is Brad Pitt like lips like that.  

P.S. Do not play with compressed air at home and do not try to reproduce it either. 

Big lips with no surgery}}
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Jack Sparrow

2016 Jan 04
Rating 0

I bought a windows phone because I thought it will be a great phone and Microsoft can create a really competitive OS. I was wrong. I’ve been using windows phone for one year and OS system is still as bad as it was a year ago. 

Why you should not buy Windows Phone}}
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Jack Sparrow

2016 Jan 02
Rating 0
Old and really cool Ford

I think it is ford. I tried to find by image in Google to make sure. It finds a lot of red cars but nothing like that. I mad the image black and white to be able to feel the time.

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